FORTYFOUR UNIVERSAL GALACTIC MESSAGES is an oracle deck composed of ascended and inspired writings received from the celestial realms for a humanity connected to the universal flow of full abundance and magical galactic consciousness that attracts our full psychophysical well-being. The messages are connected to universal energies and confer the ability to also predict important events or situations that will occur in the future. They have the ability to purify harmful aspects and give answers to questions that come from the unknown aspect of our essence connected to 3D reality. The oracle has the ability to perform different functions. Its basic composition is marked by the number of the message with the mediumistic sentence written in the first place. The message has the ability to trigger in the reader an urgent curiosity to know what the ascended writing really wants to communicate to him. The explanation of the oracle marks the first process of knowledge of spiritual evolution and answers the question:
How energetically should I approach the advice of the oracle?


Shuffle the cards and extract a cosmic card. Read what the stars want to communicate to your aura and recite the phrase to activate the support of the Divine in the mirror. The choice to be made with the left hand induces your spirit to extrapolate the perfect healing of your soul, defeating the mental choice that is often conditioned by the ego or by harmful external influences. Trust your feelings. The entire Universe is with you.